From the "New Beginnings" department:

Hello!!! I’m so glad you’re here. So, obviously, the biggest news here is that Eighty-Eight Hustles has a website, and it’s the website you’re looking at right now. Exciting, right? I think so. Let’s take a look at the different sections then I want to tell y’all about some things we’ve been up to here at Eighty-Eight Hustles.


Obviously, that’s this section. The one you’re looking at and reading, right now. Here I want to keep y’all up to date not just on the products I’m developing and launching but also about important software updates, general Eighty-Eight news, and updates on wild random projects I get up to sometimes.


The online store is here! Unfortunately, it’s pretty sparse still while we get our inventory together and promote and launch new products like Canary™, but you can now pre-order yourself a Canary (beta) there right now. We’re going to be able to start shipping them later this summer.

What’s been going on?

I’ve gone dark for a while, not really updating on my progress on Instagram or the usual channels. Why, you ask? Because I’ve been busy! Here’s all the stuff I’ve been up to so far:

  • Getting this website launched (duh)
  • Finishing up and collecting feedback from the Canary™ public beta
  • Getting a buuuunch of Canaries manufactured
  • A ton of boring corporate stuff
  • Releasing the Canary Setup mobile apps for iOS and Android

In other words, I’ve been working like crazy the past few months to get the first Eighty-Eight Hustles products out to the world, and it’s been wild let me tell you.

I’d also be remiss not to mention my infant son, Ezra, who was born at the start of this year amid all these things I’m trying to get launched. It’s been like having two babies at once but I’m getting through it. My wife’s been amazing during this time, caring for Ezra when I need to focus and get stuff done, and making sure I take care of myself too. Genuinely couldn’t do any of this without her.

Thank you, beta testers!

I also should thank all of our awesome beta testers, who’ve taken Canary™ into their homes and given valuable feedback that’s really helped make it the best product it possibly could be.

Post-beta firmware update

Which reminds me: there will be an update for the Canary firmware coming soon, with all the best features and changes recommended by the beta testers. Beta users will see their Canary start blinking late at night and restart itself after 30-60 seconds, depending on the speed of their internet connection. Being able to get new features as they’re developed is one of the best reasons to own a beta Canary.

New products

New products are coming soon! Right now I’m focused on the Canary launch, but soon after that I have a couple of other projects in the pipeline that are almost ready. There’s also merch, new toys, fun weird stuff, and much more coming! So stick around. It’s gonna be fun.

That’s all I’ve got for right now. More updates as we get closer to shipping day for Canary. Until then, so long, space cadets!

— Max

Published on:

4/14/22 by Max
